2017 Trend: Big Data

What is all this hype about Big Data and how can our businesses capitalize on Big Data?

As I was doing some research for a presentation about the trends for 2017, this was mentioned more than once. I was curious as to what it was all about.

A great blog was written by SAS Analytics Software & Solutions.. As new as the term is, the concept of gathering data is as old as the ages. The difference is that now, more than ever, we are served with a deluge of data on the Internet when we need to make a decision. Whenever I have an issue or need an answer, I say, "I'll ask the Internet." Such was the case with writing this article.

Big Data has a system with open software to help collect all 2.8 Zetabytes or 16,000 acres of data, and, this system provides it at lightening speed. As for the type of information, what you need is what you get and then some. It comes in all shapes and sizes, protected and unprotected. Of all the data available only five percent of it has been analyzed.

So what's the big deal about Big Data?

The winner of Big Data, aren't the business owners who collect the most data, but instead what they glean from the information on making wise decisions for their businesses.

The beauty is that you can take information from any source, analyze it and find an answer to a problem you might have.

Think of all the possibilities for this: New products; Tweaking issues happening within your business; Fine tuning customer service; Knowing the buying habits of your customers beyond your own product.

Being involved in marketing my entire career, one of the key components in marketing is to sell your product to the right client, at the right time, for the right value, in the right location. It was all about gender, interest, logistics, and timing. With big data, you are able to refine the experience even more, finding more clients quicker.

As I learn more about big data, I realize to harness this information can become a game changer for us, and many of our own clients we work with, to help them do the same. Big Data is for everyone.

Check out all the details about Big Data at Sas.com, A great source of information is their blog https://www.sas.com/en_us/insights/big-data/what-is-big-data.html

Alyse and the team of Interlace Communications, Inc. helps businesses reach their target audience through strategic planning and a monthly marketing program with consistent reach through print and online marketing. To create your strategy and reach your current and potential clients, give them a call at 484.709.6564, alyse@gomaava.com, iciconnect.com.
